BCHRD: Promoting Peace, human rights and Democracy in Bangladesh
A binding component of the democracy education to victims of election violence is to be the DDCOD (Door to Door Campaign on Democracy). This is a ritual which begins at the initial empowerment tools for them in Dhaka and continues throughout all aspects of the organization and out in the communities. It consists of initial self disclosure, education, chanting and slogans, and a focus on group support toward the goal of eradication of torture and promoting democracy in Bangladesh. Knowledge and capacity in making appropriate documentation developed among the local level rights defenders, we will conduct the following activities Human Rights Education, Advocacy, Campaigns, and lobbying, voter education
The Problem
In 2018 allegations of acts of harassment, extortion, extra-judicial killing, torture and killings, perpetrated by the police and others law enforcing agency, were found to be a common phenomenon in Bangladesh; and a freedom currently denied by the constant fear of the arbitrary use of torture and organized violence against opposite political parties. Given that torture has become a stable part of the police process, due to its long standing practice in the sub-continent, it is considered that though the actual numbers of such allegations are several times more than the documented cases. A Torture and Custodial Death (Prevention) Act 2013 was passed in Parliament on 24 October 2013 after a prolonged campaign. Despite this, there is no change in the actual situation. On 10 November, the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court issued a 19 -point guideline to judicial and law-enforcement officials regarding arrests without warrant and the procedure of remand. Although there is a constitutional prohibition against torture Article 35(5) but till torture is being perpetrated every day in our society which became not only a medical problem but also a threat to Democracy. Experiences shows that legal provision against torture is not enough to stop it, on the other hand there are tremendous after effects of torture are found in the victim that is torture not only physically injured a person’s but also psychologically shattered him and as a consequence his/her personality breakdown. Under international human rights law, Bangladesh is obliged to thoroughly and promptly investigate serious violations of human rights, prosecute those implicated by the evidence, and, if their guilt is established following a fair trial, impose proportionate penalties.
The Solution
People will aware about the state violence, human rights, peace, democracy and good governance. Anti-torture act will be functional and aware about it. Policy makers will take side with religious minorities and victims’ interest confidently after reviewing violence over country.
Law enforcing agency will be aware about their duties and responsibilities and they will be sensitized. Positive changes in policy and laws National Committee against Torture will be established and non professionals are trained in providing human rights education and making better use of the sustainable development goals. 100 human rights cadres will be developed to advocate and monitor their rights. The participants will be better knows about the legal remedies available from states and state institutions (NHRC); Participants are motivated to protect rights from violence and responsibilities to protect them. Election System will be monitored by the National Committee, A watch dog will be follow up and More than 50 events at Upazilla Level with young People as volunteering basis, to ensure the fairness of the electoral process including electoral laws and regulations, voter campaigning, voting process, vote counting. to build public confidence in the integrity of the electoral process and to legitimize the result of a competitive election, Media monitoring will be published on the basis on specific incidents. A intensive study report will be published in cooperation with others organizations. More than 5000 participants will direct participate in the events. Separate 12 times will cover 12000 quantity multimedia reports in supported by others organization. A documentation centre will be developed. Updated information will be produced by the centre and mass people will aware about the report and documentation.
Planned Use Of Funds
The funds will be used for advocacy, campaigns and lobbying for democracy, peace and human rights.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development
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