WikiTribune: Evidence Based Journalism
WikiTribune brings together professional journalists and volunteers to produce high-quality, evidence-based journalism with real impact.
The Problem
People used to be willing to pay for quality journalism. We understood – and trusted in -- the role of journalists and news organizations as gatekeepers for credible information. But when the news went online, we decided we should get it for free, with advertisers picking up the tab. Competition for clicks has fueled a race to the bottom, with the quality and quantity of serious journalism in serious decline, and no “gatekeeper” to maintain standards. Meanwhile, social media is expressly designed to confirm our biases, showing us what we want to see, telling us what we want to believe.
The Solution
WikiTribune is a news platform that brings professional journalists and a community of volunteers together to produce high-quality, evidence-based journalism that has a real impact in local and global events. Started by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, WikiTribune applies the core premise behind that site – that a group of volunteers “can and will reliably protect the integrity of information,” as they author, verify, and improve news stories side by side with professional reporters and editors. The site is subsidized by readers, with no ads and no paywall, and seeks support to improve its technology and hire more journalists.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
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