WAKE: Tech2Empower USA

WAKE: Tech2Empower USA
Creating a more just, equitable and safe future for women and girls by connecting women’s rights leaders with tech + communications tools and skills that amplify their work.
The Problem
At WAKE, our superheroes are the women who are working in their communities to raise funds to keep the only abortion clinic in their state open, who are running domestic violence safe houses, and who are getting job skills to trafficking survivors. These community leaders often don’t have access to technology that would enable them to get services to more people, increase their funding, and stay safe online. Tech2Empower USA is here to change that, and to support these superheroes.
The Solution
Through Tech2Empower USA, WAKE provides leaders at women’s rights organizations with in-person, customized interactive trainings and access to tech tools and tech company experts. Ongoing virtual training and support fully equips these leaders to use their new skills to accelerate the work their organizations do to improve the lives of women and girls. Tech2Empower creates a bold, connected and tech-savvy women’s rights movement united across geographies and industries.
Stage of Development
Organization to Receive Funds
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