Black Women for Wellness: Healing and Supporting Black Women in the U.S.
Black Women for Wellness is committed to healing, supporting, educating, inspiring, and supporting black women.
The Problem
Women of color are disproportionately affected by major health crises affecting U.S. women, including high rates of heart disease, diabetes, and breast cancer. There is especially a need for more open dialogue and learning spaces that focus on reproductive health for women and girls of color, as well as greater access to tools and strategies to implement changes to promote the health of women and girls.
The Solution
Black Women for Wellness (BWW) is a grassroots organization dedicated to healing, supporting and educating Black women and girls through a wide range of educational, empowerment, and advocacy activities. BWW currently operates in California, but plans to expand. BWW runs a number of programs. Sisters in Control fights for reproductive justice and conducts outreach and education related to environmental justice, including education about toxics in hair products that are marketed to Black women. Sisters in Motion promotes lifestyle change to reduce heart disease, diabetes, and other related disease. Sisters with Options empowers women to advocate and obtain services for themselves and their families. Daughters and Sons in Technology highlights the educational and career opportunities in STEM for people of color, especially women and girls. Through these and other programs BWW is helping mobilize and organize for a better world.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Black Women for Wellness

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