Homeward Bound: Empowering Women in Science to Save Our Planet
Homeward Bound is training and preparing female leaders to take charge on the issue of climate change.
The Problem
According to a recent UNESCO Science Report, women make up just 28% of the world's research scientists. On top of that, they are even less represented in leadership positions. With the future of our planet in balance, it is more of an imperative than ever to increase the gender diversity of the field. Mother Earth needs her daughters' help!
The Solution
In the next ten years, Homeward Bound seeks to equip 1000+ women with the necessary skills and experience to to lead, influence and contribute to policy and decision making. Homeward Bound's signature training is a twelve month program, which involves three weeks out in the Antarctic. The program includes a mixture of symposiums, professional coaching, and personal reflection. Homeward Bound believes that the issues of gender equality and climate change are intimately connected, and must be addressed simultaneously. Increasing women leadership in the science of climate change will accelerate progress towards solving this urgent global problem.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Homeward Bound

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