SisterWorks: Creating Work to Empower Disadvantaged Women in Australia

SisterWorks: Creating Work to Empower Disadvantaged Women in Australia



SisterWorks: Creating Work to Empower Disadvantaged Women in Australia

Women who seek asylum in Australia are among the most disadvantaged in the whole country. SisterWorks is working to ease their transition. 

The Problem

Australian migrants are some of the most vulnerable people in the entire country. They face an innumerable barriers to assimilation including lack of Australian identity, language barriers, job skills, and network support. The prospect of long-term unemployment creates real anxiety and can feel them feeling defeated and helpless.

The Solution

SisterWorks is a grass-roots nonprofit that provides a much-needed support network to migrant women in Australia. Since 2011, SisterWorks has helped women start anew and create a sustainable future. In order to continue with their aim of supporting migrant women, they need your support!

Stage of Development


Organization to Receive Funds

SisterWorks, Inc.

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