FVS-AMADE BURUNDI: Shifting widows power with a collective business

FVS-AMADE BURUNDI: Shifting widows power with a collective business
Economically empowering widows in Burundi.
The Problem
In Burundi, HIV and war widows are the most vulnerable women. While burdened with heavy household chores, they are the only ones who provide for their families. Among other duties, they often have to walk long distances to find a grain mill to feed their families. This is particularly exhausting and time-consuming for HIV positive women. Widows often have few opportunities or resources needed to generate income for their families.
The Solution
FVS-AMADE BURUNDI supports widows in South Burundi to form solidarity groups for weekly savings and to get small loans. These groups save money to provide school kits to orphans and vulnerable children in their community. To be able to meet the basic needs of their children, these groups have launched income generating activities. In particular, FVS-AMADE BURUND is helping widows living in remote areas without access to electricity to start a collective business with a fuel-powered grain mill. FVS-AMADE has supported more than 10 groups of women in Burundi with similar projects, and can do more with additional funding.
Stage of Development
Organization to Receive Funds
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