University of Munich: Creating a forest in the desert

University of Munich: Creating a forest in the desert



University of Munich: Creating a forest in the desert


An approach that uses sewage waste to reduce deforestation

The Problem

Global deforestation adds significantly to the climate change. It is a problem in most regions of the world, including arid countries like Egypt. (Egypt produces less than one percent of the world’s total emissions of greenhouse gases but it is very vulnerable to climate change.)

The Solution

Egyptian and German scientists have found a new way of cultivating forests in the desert using sewage waste. The nutrients in the sewage waste nurture tree plantations in the desert, preventing deforestation. If Egypt were to use 80 percent of its effluent to nurture tree plantations, that would be enough sewage to convert 650,000 hectares of Egyptian desert into forests.

Stage of Development


Organization to Receive Funds

Shared Nation would fund the Technical University of Munich, which has been funding the project in Egypt.

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