Tara: A schooner for the planet

A boat that travels the world investigating the ocean.

The Problem

There is not enough research or public awareness about mysteries of the ocean. Researchers need first-hand data and field research opportunities to better understand the challenges the ocean faces in regards to pollution, biodiversity, and climate change. The public needs exposure to these challenges to confront them.

The Solution

Tara Expedition Foundation is a non-profit that helps solve both problems in one effort: supporting a boat for researchers and journalists to travel around the globe studying the ocean. The 11 expeditions in the past decade has resulted in more than 70 scientific publications. Over 45,000 children from all over the world have visited the Tara boat since 2003. Additional funding would contribute to its newest effort: a two-year expedition in the pacific investigating the condition of biodiversity.

Stage of Development

  • Early Stage
  • Established Prototype
  • Scaling
  • Other

Organization to Receive Funds

Tara Expedition

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