MOKSHA – L.I.F.E. (Learning Initiatives For Earning) CENTER FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS
“Moksha” means – releasing from all troubles (innocence, unknowingness, poverty, ill, sins, troubles, physical and psychological problems etc… whatever affects sad in human life). WDWS proposes to develop basic Learning center (formal – family – financial – vocational) for empowerment of the disadvantaged women, adolescent girls and dalits.
The Problem
- Dalitism, caste-based system, domination of higher caste people on SC-STs
- Social evils, widow system, dalit and poor girls are becoming as devadasis & jogins
- Being a woman paid less wages among men
- End up child labour by introducing skills & income sources to their parents and elders
- Child marriages (especially girls) and forced slavery / unpaid servant in marriage system as a wife which over burdens her physical strength
- Becoming a labour / machine of baby producer
- Of being dalit i.e socio-economically and culturally marginalized section,
- Being women and sharing the gender-based inequalities and subordination
- Lack of awareness on human – women rights, child rights and facilities & rehabilitation scheme by the government
- Literacy means not only education, it should be in the forms of academic, non-formal, current awareness, self-protection and having life skills which made them to use their rights freely without any ones’ permission.
- Gender inequality in wife and husband, between children should be avoidable by education & earning.
The Solution
The aim of the project is to increase women participation in education, alternate employment opportunities of development by Introducing new income opportunities and vocational training; upwards confidence levels, living standards and dignity of female in family as well as in society.
Objectives of the project:
- To organize Slum & village improvement
- Vocational Job oriented skill training for disadvantaged women and girls
- Provide orientation on literacy, basic academic, Basic Sanitation – Health-hygiene, finance and family management with physical, psychological and emotional care in a homely atmosphere
- To mainstream the girls through admission to normal local schools.
- To impart the target women and girls’ with vocational skills in computer (computer basics, MS Office, Photoshop, DTP, PageMaker etc…with type writing), embroidery, tailoring, dress making, fabric painting etc...
- To organize awareness education for target people in personality and leadership development, family and financial management.
- To prevent school dropout and thereby increase the literacy rate among the Dalit girls.
Benefits & Results:
- Training center will be situated to train helpless women and girls throughout the year.
- Trainee women / girls will be educated in variant skills of job oriented and self employment.
- The trainees will be empowered with personality development, health & hygiene, sanitary, family and financial management & capacity building.
- Interested girls / women will continue their education from open schools, distance education. (their self employment also supports this)
- With well training of vocational education, they will get job in to vocational institutions as trainers, private sector, will start self employment from home to overcome the poverty. At the end of the project they will become self reliant, self sufficient.
- They will aware about the leadership qualities, management skills, linkages with market and government.
- Women groups will be formed under this "Saving development Scheme" during the implementation of this project.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
WDWS is a Non Profit, non governmental, non Political a registered Organization under the society’s registration Act. Actively engaged in the protection and promotion of human rights within the State of Andhra Pradesh, India and working particularly among the Dalits, women, children and disables. It has been engaged for monitoring of Human rights violation, Documentation, Fact-Findings, and providing legal aid to the victims and advocacy on behalf of victim to the Human rights Institutions and relevant authorities for justice.
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