Relieving Child Labourers’ Mothers from extreme poverty and hunger
The project seeks to relieve 30 child labourers’ mothers in Badvel Block of their extreme poverty and hungers through Goat Rearing Programme enabling them send their children to schools thereby reduce the child labour issue.
The Problem
The families have no permanent sources of income to meet the expenditure of the families. If there is sufficient income or other alternative sources for their survival, these children would continue their study. We discussed this issue with the dalit women for the alternative livelihood sources. They preferred to have some subsidiary occupation to meet their adequate economic need. In this regard, SPRMMM and the dalit women explored various possibilities of agriculture allied occupation such as Animal Husbandry such as Milch Animals, Goat Rearing, Sheep Rearing, Poultry, and the like. Taking into pros and cons the group chose “Goat Rearing” as a subsidiary occupation for their livelihood.
The Solution
Increased income is used to:
- Provide nutritious food to the children;
- Paying schools fees and purchase of note books, text books, uniforms and other needs;
- Meeting out medical expenses of family members;
- Acquiring house hold articles and increasing livestocks;
- Savings / investment increased;
- Ensured state of social acceptance and dignity to ‘Child Labourers’ Families’;
- Increase of income help the child labourers’ mothers enable the families improve their socio - economic status and to bring up their children as responsible citizens of the state
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
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