Solar Sister: Eradicating energy poverty by empowering women in rural Africa
Solar Sister is helping women, girls, and their communities to have access to renewable energy and economic opportunity.
The Problem
In the world today, 1.6 billion people on the planet -- 70 percent of them women -- do not have access to electricity. Instead, they have to rely on less efficient forms of fuel, such as kerosene lanterns or candles, spending up to 40 percent of their income on energy.
The Solution
Solar Sister aims to address both poverty and inefficient, polluting energy for women (and their families) living in remote, rural Africa. To that end, Solar Sister is creating a women-centric salesperson network where female agents can bring and sell cutting edge renewable energy technologies to the most remote communities in rural Africa. To date, Solar Sister has recruited, trained and supported over 2,900 entrepreneurs in Uganda, Tanzania, and Nigeria, providing over 1 million people with renewable energy. Meet Solar Sister entrepreneurs and learn how they are transforming their communities here!
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Solar Sister, nonprofit. Established 2010.

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