Resisting Trump

Resisting Trump

Join one of the 5,000+ local Indivisible groups, and support their actions. Indivisible has become one of the largest grassroots efforts to resist Trump, following practical advice from former staffers.

Use apps or websites that give you quick and easy actions to take (usually phone calls). There are many to choose from, including 5 Calls a Day, Wall of Us, and Daily action.

Show up and be seen at rallys, townhalls, or meetings with your legislators. Resources for this include 10 actions in 100 days and ResistTrumpTuesdays.

Resisting Trump


With President Trump in office, we’re going to need to keep a much closer eye on Congress. When Congress intrepidly stands up to Trump and his authoritarian policies, we need to lavish our representatives in thanks and praise. And, even more importantly, when Congress acts cowardly and moves to yield power, we're going to be more vocal than ever before.

This has already started to happen. There are record-setting protests, attendance at town halls, visits, phone calls, and other forms of pressure being put on legislators at the local, state, and national level. And it’s working! Trumps agenda is being slowed. Both Democratic and Republican legislators respond to pressure from their constituents. With our consistent and forceful engagement, we can mitigate the damage of a Trump Presidency.


Prevent or delay Trump’s agenda from being implemented, and force congressional inquiry into his misdeeds.


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