Aarti for Girls: Education for All -- Regardless of Gender
Vote for Aarti for Girls in order to create a world where violence against women, femicide, and gender discrimination cease to exist!
The Problem
Aarti for Girls addresses femicide, domestic, emotional and financial abuse, female infant and child abandonment, and gender discrimination.
The Solution
Right now, the organization is pushing an initiative to fund 200 scholarships to support girls who stay at Aarti who have been abandoned and or abused in additon to low income students from the city of Kadapa. Each scholarship funds tuition, books, uniforms, and food. By educating women, we empower them to follow their dreams, realize their power and ability, and be financially independent.
Planned Use Of Funds
The funds would be used to cover the cost of tuition for students at Aarti Home and School. Additionally, if all scholarships are funded with this generous funding, left over funding would be used to fund women's empowerment programs that Aarti has initiated and run for years such as the fair trade tailoring cooperative and Women's Empowerment Project, an activity based educational program that is implemented each Saturday.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Aarti for Girls, a non profit organization in Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India that has been addressing one of the nation's most disturbing sex ratios and general gender discrimination for over 26 years.
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