A CALL TO MEN: LIVE-RESPECT Coaching Healthy, Respectful Manhood
Prevent bullying, dating violence & sexual assault. Promote healthy, respectful manhood. LIVE-RESPECT.
The Problem
According to the CDC, nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. Between 1 in 3 and 1 in 4 (28 percent) students in grades 6-12 experience bullying, according to the National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics. Further, research by the World Health Organization shows that men and boys who adhere to rigid, traditional notions of gender roles and masculinity are more likely to report having used violence against a partner.
The Solution
A CALL TO MEN's LIVE-RESPECT Curriculum advances gender equality, promotes healthy, respectful manhood, and prevents violence and discrimination against all women and girls. The curriculum was written by A CALL TO MEN in conjunction with Scholastic. It is ideal for middle and high school boys.
A CALL TO MEN teaches that all boys are socialized to view women as property, objects and as having less value than men. The curriculum helps boys deconstruct that collective socialization and analyze the destructive messages boys are given (sometimes unintentionally) by media and culture.
- Pre-curriculum, only 16% of boys agree that they are taught to view women as having less value. Post-curriculum, that number increases to 74%.
- Pre-curriculum, only 21% of boys agree that they are taught to view women and girls as the property of men. Post-curriculum, that number increases to 90%.
- Pre-curriculum, 68% of boys see that the Man Box exists and dictates how they should act and feel. Post-curriculum, that number increases to 99%.
The curriculum is proven to raise boys consciousness about how they are collectively socialized to view manhood, women and girls. Knowledge is power and is the foundation for change.
The curriculum also help decrease instances of dating violence and sexual assault.
- Pre-curriculum, only 19% of understand what consent means. Post-curriculum, that number increases to 75%.
The curriculum empowers boys to better understand healthy relationships, more effectively negotiate relationships with their peers, and make better decisions for themselves and those around them.
Planned Use Of Funds
A CALL TO MEN would use the funding to train a school - or schools - in an underserved area to implement the curriculum. Reach would depend on the funds received. A CALL TO MEN can provide comprehensive training and technical assistance to one school for $15,000.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
A CALL TO MEN, a proud project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (a fiscal sponsor)
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