Young People's Insight

Empowering young people to make their voices heard through writing, poetry and discussion events.

The Problem

Young people are not given enough opportunities to make their voices heard on a wider public scale, or else they lack the confidence or experience to do so. Few spaces exist for them to express themselves in person and develop the skills that will enable them to speak out authentically and honestly on the issues that matter to them.

The Solution

Young People Insight is a London-based youth-led platform that empowers the voices of young people and encourages community engagement through writing, poetry and discussion events. Launched in January 2016, the platform — in the form of spoken word performances, social events, a blog — gives young people the opportunity to speak out on topics affecting them and share their stories to inspire others, developing their confidence and communication skills and building self-esteem and respect for each other. “By making our voices heard our way and meeting new people in the process, together we can be the change.”

Stage of Development

  • Early Stage
  • Established Prototype
  • Scaling
  • Other

Organization to Receive Funds

Young People's Insight

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