Think of Us
An app to help youth navigate their transition out of foster care.
The Problem
There are 107,681 youth in foster care that are not returning home or getting adopted. They will turn 18 or 21 and have to be ready to take care of themselves but with little to no support system they are more likely to experience challenges. Studies report that by age 26, 50% are making less than $10,000 a year, 30% experience homelessness, and only 3% will get a 4-year degree
The Solution
Think of Us is a “software as a service” provider whose app empowers youth to build their own personal advisory board of supportive adults to coach them through their transition out of foster care. The organization supports foster care agencies, nonprofits, and other organizations working with foster youth in a “communal endeavor that connects employment, education, and abilities.” The organization, founded by Sixto Cancel, himself a veteran of the foster system, envisions “a future where communities are designed to maximize the development and wellness of maturing youth, so that they can transition into healthy, stable, and thriving adults.”
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Think of Us
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