Open AQ: Building the first data hub on pollution

Open AQ: Building the first data hub on pollution



Open AQ: Building the first data hub on pollution

Enable powerful climate activism, journalism, policy, and science across the globe by building an open, real-time air quality data hub.

The Problem

Air pollution is a problem because it can cause damage to animals, trees, plants, crops and water sources in the environment. Pollution in the air causes problems for aviation because it reduces visibility, while also being responsible for damaging buildings and other structures.

The Solution

Open AQ’s mission is to enable previously impossible science and thus impact policy and empower the public to fight air pollution through open data, open-source tools, and cooperation. Open AQ aggregates physical air quality data from public data sources provided by government, research-grade and other sources. These groups do the hard work of measuring these data and publicly sharing them, and Open AQ helps make them more universally-accessible to both humans and machines.

Stage of Development


Organization to Receive Funds

Shared Nation would fund Open AQ.

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