Civic Tech Foundation
Supporting ideas and technologies that empower citizens and strengthen democracy.
The Problem
Broad-based civic engagement is essential to a strong, truly representative democracy where political leaders are held accountable; and without such engagement, a gulf opens between the interests of the government and those of the people. Unfortunately, this is exactly what is happening in the United States, where civic participation is at an all time low. Even as technology has revolutionized how we learn, obtain information, communicate, and make decisions, these advances have done little to support one of our most important roles — that of citizen.
The Solution
The mission of the Civic Tech Foundation is to “bring civic engagement into the 21st Century.” The organization works to find and support individuals and organizations creating technologies that help citizens become actively and effectively engaged with governments — technologies that promote connectivity, education, and the accountability of elected leaders to those who elect them. CTF’s work aims not just to empower current voters, but to inspire kids across the world to learn about how government and politics work, and why citizen engagement is essential for democracy to flourish. By supporting innovative technologies, they seek to “remove the focus of our governments away from the politicians and return our governments’ focus back to the interests of the citizens and voters.”
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Civic Tech Foundation
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