Child Care Foundation Uganda: Schools Climate Change Project
The Schools Climate Change Project aims to empower Schools and School children in particular with skills in Climate Change mitigation so that they become change agents and stewards within their schools and communities in Climate Change mitigation. In so doing, the project aims plant 8 million fruit trees in both Primary and Secondary Schools within Uganda as a strategy aimed at combating Climate Change.
The Problem
The Project aims to combat the Problem of Climate Change in Uganda which has largely been as a result of massive deforestation within the country. Deforestation in Uganda is taking place at an unprecedented rate and has seen large tracts of forested land being degraded. The National Environment Management Authority ( Nema) predicts that if the current rate of deforestation continues, by 2050, the country will remain with no forests. Because of deforestation, the impact of Climate Change is clearly evident in terms of reduced rainfall, throught the country, Uganda used to recieve 2 rainfall periods ( November to march) and July - August but now the country receives low rates of precipitation. This has led to hunger and malnutrition in the Busoga Subregion and large parts of eastern Uganda. The Project will address this problem through Environmental Education in School so that we educate the young generation about the importance of nature conservation in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. After each session, we shall plant fruit trees in schools with the children and School Administrators and we leave a group of Green Ambassadors amongst children, that will be charged with the daily watering and monitoring of the trees
The Solution
The Environmental Education Workshops in schools will create a new generation of environmental stewards who will lead the conservation efforts within their schools, communities and the country at large. These will in the long run become leaders who will make sustainable development policies for their communities and country at large. Besides the planting of fruit trees will not only provide fruits to the children in schools but will also absorb carbon emissions from the atmosphere often released by factories and vehicles. This will in the long run reduce on Global warming and Climate Change in the long run.
Planned Use Of Funds
We shall use the funds for establishment of tree nurseries in the 5 regions of Uganda ( Central, Eastern, Northern, Western and Southern Uganda. From these nurseries we shall then transport the trees to schools. The funds will also be used in purchase of equipment such as wheel barrows, transportation of seedlings to the respective schools and for Environmental Education workshops, not forgetting mobilization of schools and information dissemination in the press.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Child Care Foundation Uganda
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