This month, the Shared Nation community will support organizations organizations that are working to increase democratic participation and civic engagement. This includes organizations that are involving more people in the democratic process, enhancing the voice of the people via new voting methods and making representative institutions more reliable, accountable and fair. You can still join until the playoffs start! You'll be able to vote five times per week and favorite as many projects as you'd like before quarter-finals begin during the last week of the month.

Mind Over Media: Analyzing Contemporary Propaganda
Mind Over Media: Analyzing Contemporary Propaganda

MYO Democracy: It's time you had a direct say on the laws that affect you! It’s time to #Vote4U!"
MYO Democracy: It's time you had a direct say on the laws that affect you! It’s time to #Vote4U!"

The Hood Incubator
The Hood Incubator

Nonprofit Vote: Engaging New Voters
Nonprofit Vote: Engaging New Voters

Millennial Action Project
Millennial Action Project

Defend Our Democracy
Defend Our Democracy

New Citizens = New Voters
New Citizens = New Voters

The Village Square: Local Color
The Village Square: Local Color

Getting Out The New Voter Vote
Getting Out The New Voter Vote

Every Voice: Sowing Hope for Democracy
Every Voice: Sowing Hope for Democracy

Illinois Hunger Coalition: Increasing Voter Registration in Chicago Communities
Illinois Hunger Coalition: Increasing Voter Registration in Chicago Communities

Vote Riders: Voter ID Assistance Lab
Vote Riders: Voter ID Assistance Lab

Moms Clean Air Force
Moms Clean Air Force

Citizen Voice and Actions: Youth Voice Rwanda project
Citizen Voice and Actions: Youth Voice Rwanda project

Movement Voter Project
Movement Voter Project

Healthy Democracy: Citizens' Initiative Review
Healthy Democracy: Citizens' Initiative Review

Fair Districts PA
Fair Districts PA

Democracy Works
Democracy Works

Knock Every Door
Knock Every Door

Latino Victory
Latino Victory

Democracy Without Borders
Democracy Without Borders

Higher Heights
Higher Heights

Andrew Goodman Foundation: Vote Everywhere
Andrew Goodman Foundation: Vote Everywhere

Epitome: The Democracy Foundation
Epitome: The Democracy Foundation

Student PIRGs: New Voters Project
Student PIRGs: New Voters Project


Better Angels
Better Angels

Rock the Vote
Rock the Vote

BCHRD: Promoting Peace, human rights and Democracy in Bangladesh
BCHRD: Promoting Peace, human rights and Democracy in Bangladesh

Big Tent Nation
Big Tent Nation

Tostan: Breakthrough Generation
Tostan: Breakthrough Generation

HRDC: Medical treatment for the victims of relationship Violence in Bangladesh
HRDC: Medical treatment for the victims of relationship Violence in Bangladesh

Make Shift Coffee House
Make Shift Coffee House

Seek First to Understand: Restoring the Strength of our Democracy through Conversation
Seek First to Understand: Restoring the Strength of our Democracy through Conversation

Virginia Organizing: Restoring the Right to Vote in Virginia
Virginia Organizing: Restoring the Right to Vote in Virginia

Partnership for Transparency: supporting civil society in demanding accountability
Partnership for Transparency: supporting civil society in demanding accountability

Western Colorado Alliance: Youth Voter Initiative
Western Colorado Alliance: Youth Voter Initiative

High Atlas Foundation: Empowering Women and Youth for Democratic Participation
High Atlas Foundation: Empowering Women and Youth for Democratic Participation

Fair Elections Center: Campus Vote Project
Fair Elections Center: Campus Vote Project

GoUF: Digital Participatory Democracy
GoUF: Digital Participatory Democracy

Grandmothers Against Gun Violence
Grandmothers Against Gun Violence

Ranked Choice Voting for Massachusetts
Ranked Choice Voting for Massachusetts

Intentional Insights: Pro-Truth Pledge
Intentional Insights: Pro-Truth Pledge

Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

National Conversation Project
National Conversation Project

Citizens for Public Schools: Promoting, preserving and protecting public education.
Citizens for Public Schools: Promoting, preserving and protecting public education.

Ignite: A movement of young women who are ready and eager to become the next generation of political leaders.
Ignite: A movement of young women who are ready and eager to become the next generation of political leaders.

Faith in Florida: Let My People Vote
Faith in Florida: Let My People Vote