Soulardarity: Converting all streetlights into solar power

Soulardarity: Converting all streetlights into solar power



Soulardarity: Converting all streetlights into solar power


Building a brighter future with education, organizing, and people-powered clean energy

The Problem

Highland Park, a poor, mostly black community on the outskirts of Detroit, faced a lightening shortage in 2011 when over 1,000 city lights were repossessed by the local utility company. At that time, the city of Highland Park was delinquent on four million dollars worth of unpaid street lighting bills. The city simply did not have the funds to make the payments. This galvanized a group of local residents to take action. They set out to raise enough money to make every light in Highland Park solar-powered.

The Solution

Souldarity has since put up 47 more solar lights on homes and businesses in and around Highland Park; and they will continue to work until every single street light is solar powered. A single solar powered streetlight costs Soulardarity approximately $5,000. Shared Nation is tailored mostly to global issues, but it's also about solving problems; and here is a project that Shared Nation could undertake while our community is still small and growing. What's exciting here is that a small amount of money could make a big difference, which makes it a great investment for our fledgling nation.

Stage of Development


Organization to Receive Funds

Shared Nation would donate all raised funds to Soulardarity so that they can realize their dream of bringing solar powered streetlights to the city of Highland Park.

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